Thursday, September 3, 2020

All About Paraître

About Paraã ®tre Paraã ®tre is an extremely normal and valuable French action word that way to look/show up/appear. It is sporadic related and can be utilized indifferently. Models ofParatre being used  Paraà ®tre can be trailed by a descriptor, infinitive, or prepositional phrase:â â â Tu parais bien heureux   You look very happyâ â â Cela paraã ®t à ªtre une erreur   That is by all accounts a mistakeâ â â Une lueur a paru dans ses yeux   A glimmer showed up in his eyeParaà ®tre can likewise mean to make an appearance:â â â Il na pas paru la rà ©union   He didnt show up (appear) at the meetingâ â â Je dã ©teste paraã ®tre en public   I despise showing up in publicParaà ®tre is normally conjugated with avoir as its helper action word in the compound tenses, aside from with regards to distributing, in which it is frequently conjugated with à ªtre:â â â Cet article est paru mi-juin.   This article was distributed in mid-June.â â â Le nouveau Petit Larousse est paru.   The new (release of) Le Petit Larousse is out. Utilizing Il parat Il paraã ®t is an indifferent development that implies it appears in the worldwide sense (like, they state or the word is) and can be trailed by a modifier or a subordinate clause.1) Il paraã ®t descriptive word is trailed by de infinitive, and may likewise be modifed by a circuitous article pronoun:â â â Il paraã ®t significant dessayer   It appears to be critical to tryâ â â Il ne paraã ®t pas essentiel dy aller   It doesnt appear to be fundamental to goâ â â Il me paraã ®t criticize de courir   It appears to be absurd to me to runâ â â Il ne nous paraã ®t pas logique de faire à §a   To us it doesnt appear/We dont think its intelligent to do that2) Il paraã ®t que is trailed by a subordinate condition in the indicative:â â â Il paraã ®t quil va pleuvoir demain   It appears/They express it will rain tomorrowâ â â Il paraã ®t que nous devons refaire ce travail   It appears/The word is that would need to re-try this work3) Il paraã ®t might be adjusted by a descriptor before que, in which case the action word in the subordinate provision might be in the characteristic or subjunctive, contingent upon what the descriptor requires:*â â â Il paraã ®t significant que tu le fasses seul   It appears/Apparently its significant that you do it aloneâ â â Il paraã ®t clair quon ne peut pas gagner   It appears to be evident that we cant win*That is, in the event that the articulation would require the subjunctive without paraã ®t, at that point it additionally needs it with paraã ®t: il est significant que subjunctive, consequently il paraã ®t significant que subjunctive4) When il paraã ®t que is modifed by a roundabout item pronoun, it is proportionate to it appears (to me, to us, etc):â â â Il me paraã ®t significant que tu comprennes   It appears to me that its significant that you comprehend (I think its significant for you to understand)â â â Il nous paraã ® t sã »r quon va gagner   It appears to be sure to us/We think its sure that were going to winâ â â Il nous paraã ®t quil peut venir   It appears to us/We believe that it he can come5) Il ne paraã ®t pas que requires the subjunctive:â â â Il ne paraã ®t pas quil vienne   It doesnt appear that hes coming; He doesnt appear to be comingâ â â Il ne paraã ®t pas quon puisse gagner   It doesnt appear as though we can win Articulations with paratre  â â ce quil paraã ®t - apparentlyâ â â paraã ®t-il - apparentlyâ â â il paraã ®t que oui - so it seemsâ â â il paraã ®t que non - obviously not Conjugations  â â je paraisâ â â tuâ paraisâ â â il paraã ®tâ â â nousâ paraissonsâ â â vousâ paraissezâ â â ilsâ paraissent

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Violence in Modern Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Viciousness in Modern Thinking - Essay Example The danger of war and the powerlessness of presence because of the overarching brutality among the European prompted the rising trepidation and instability of thrashing. Accordingly the savagery attempted by the Europeans had the target of creating state specialists, assets and force so as to battle the contradicting powers of viciousness â€Å"We have discovered that the outer impulse practiced on a person by this childhood and condition delivers a further change towards products in his instinctual life †a further abandoning pride towards altruism† (Freud 300). So as to arrive at a place of serious edge over the restriction and the enthusiasm of sparing its own domain as well as cultivate the procedure of extension of the European state prompted the improvement of present day thinking. The advanced thinking about the Europeans was created to outmaneuver the thinking about the resistance during the time spent brutality. The cutting edge believing was situated in accordanc e with the improvement of cutting edge weapons and hardware, improvement of trend setting innovations so as to develop successful over the powers of resistance. The utilization of cutting edge weapons prompted the disclosure of rifles and automatic weapons against the blades and blades of the adversaries. The utilization of cutting edge hardware sponsored by the trend setting innovations diminished the endeavors of the general public in building up its strength and clearing the way of extension of the general public. The development of new thoughts, conciliatory considerations and answers for complex circumstances prompted the advancement of world of politics. Different segments of the European culture began to remove the powers of abuse and a comprehensive advancement of the general public occurred in the political situation. Agents from all segments of the European culture communicated their feeling for a significantly progressively political and social turn of events. To help the hidden reasons for war and savagery, increasingly number of individuals of the European culture took part for the creation of types of gear and different frill for war and brutality. The expansion in the absolute factor efficiency prompted the expanded commitment of the workforce in Europe that brought about the expansion of creation volumes. â€Å"We may, anyway acquire a more profound understanding than this into the change realized by the war in our previous countrymen, and simultaneously get an admonition against doing them an injustice† (Frued 302). Consequently the expansion in the creation rates prompted the advancement of the economy of Europe. Along these lines the financial advancements were planned for supporting the reasons for savagery and war. The ascent in the presentation of the economy of Europe prompted the ascent in expectations for everyday comforts of the general public. Every one of these elements in the long run prompted the improvement of the general public and the social conditions in Europe. Therefore the methods of brutality embraced by the Europeans prompted the advancement of current reasoning and upheld the improvement of legislative issues, financial matters and the general public of Europe. In what ways does brutality realize the finish of advancement? The principles of advancement depend on the accomplishment of uniformity, spread of humankind, opportunity and autonomy of the individuals that prompts serene and prosperous development of districts as sovereign forces. The demonstrations of savagery are planned for vanquishing the domains of resistance powers by prudence of intensity and similar bit of leeway.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Doctrine Of The Mean Aristotle Essay Example For Students

Tenet Of The Mean Aristotle Essay Aristotle accepts that satisfaction is a definitive objective throughout everyday life. You cannot arrive at bliss except if you try sincerely and get effective. That is the place excellence becomes an integral factor. A people work is to participate in a movement of the spirit which is as per temperance and which is in congruity with reason (page 76, Palmer). The two sorts of ideals are scholarly and moral. Our excellencies are what make all of us individual and all extraordinary. Scholarly temperances are what we are brought into the world with and what we realize. It is our tendency as people and what we have acquired that makes want to learn. As people, we create intelligence to help manage us to a decent life. With the scholarly goodness you create two various types of shrewdness: down to earth and philosophical. Reasonable astuteness is your balanced activities. The most elevated goodness is philosophical knowledge, which is logical, impartial, and scrutinizing. Moral excellenc ies are what we gain from impersonation, practice and our propensities we created. Moral ethics are what we have gained from our general public. Neither naturally, at that point, nor as opposed to nature do the ethics emerge in us; rather we are adjusted commonly to get them, and are made impeccable by propensity (page 223, Mayfield). This statement is clarifying how you need both the scholarly prudence (nature) and the ethical ideals (propensity). The spirit is comprised of three things: interests, resources, and conditions of character. Since goodness is in our spirit one of the three must be it. Interests are uncontrolled sentiments, for example, craving, outrage, dread, certainty, and contempt. With goodness you must be commended or accused and with your interests you cannot be. We are brought into the world with resources like we are with interests. We are not comprised of positive or negative nature; we are not adulated nor blamed(page 225, Mayfield). This statement is clarifying with interests and resources are the way we feel and want which is neither right nor off-base, fortunate or unfortunate. Since interests and resources are not characterized, condition of character is excellence. Condition of character is our activities and our propensities. The excellence of man additionally will be the condition of character which makes a man decent and which causes him to accomplish his own function admirably (page 225, Mayfiel d). So as to have genuine ideals you have to act to understanding with a brilliant mean of control (page 78, Palmer). This implies you have to locate a halfway so you will be commended and succeed. You cannot take excessively or excessively little. A lot for somebody could be unreasonably little for another person, in this way every individual needs to locate their own individual mean. For we might be said to want everything as intends to something different aside from to be sure satisfaction, as joy is the end or flawless state (page 230, Mayfield). As Aristotle said that our definitive objective is bliss yet so as to arrive at satisfaction you need to succeed. Unwinding then isn't an end. We appreciate it as a way to movement; however it appears that the cheerful life is an existence of prudence, and such a life is not kidding, it isn't one of unimportant entertainment. We talk about genuine things also as better than things which are silly and diverting, and of the action of the better piece of keeps an eye on being or of the better man as consistently the more highminded (page 230, Mayfield). As an individual your objective is satisfaction and as an animal varieties they will probably fulfill the residents. As satisfaction is the capacity or objective of the human individual, so is it the capacity of the state. . The state is a characteristic human association whose objective is to amplify bliss for its residents (page 79, Palmer). The law comes normal to people, which makes people work in amicability. As human we have social impulses. Similarly as people are normally social, so is their longing to take an interest in the political body a natural aura (page 79, Palmer). As an individual you have your own condition of character. A few people feel that men are made acceptable ordinarily, others by propensity, others again by educating (page 233, Mayfield). This statement clarifies how everybody is an individual and has distinctive momentary objectives. .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .postImageUrl , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:hover , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:visited , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:active { border:0!important; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:active , .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uc5 727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc5727926e46fa552f61ddc990367b767:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Studt manage EssayI accept that Aristotles hypothesis on temperances is a suitable moral hypothesis. I imagine that each human that prevails in life has a similar objective, arrive at satisfaction. With the end goal for you to succeed you have to experience the way toward growing up. You should be instructed and gain from experimentation. How much individuals appreciate unwinding and joy they realize it wont get you far throughout everyday life. Everybody needs to live with some restraint. They have to adjust everything. Take my dad for instance. He graduated secondary school with An on the grounds that he buckled do wn in school. That A permitted him to be acknowledged to a decent building school. At school he adjusted his whole timetable. He modernized his classes, studies, work and public activity. In the event that he had excessively or excessively little of one it he wouldnt have succeeded. All that difficult work paid off and he was recruited into a building organization. During his time he has stirred his way up to turning into the administrator. In two or three years he can resign and as he put it, do what he generally needed to do. He disclosed to me that life is a struggle yet by and large all the difficult work is fulfilling and for your great. Each goodness or greatness both brings into great condition the thing of which it is the greatness and causes crafted by that thing to be progressed nicely (page 225, Mayfield). I think this statement well clarifies that in the event that you buckle down you will prevail to your most extreme level. I likewise feel the motivation behind why Aristotle hypothesis works is that you have to locate a middle. On the off chance that you have close to nothing or to an extreme, you wont succeed and discover joy. For example, in the event that you feel scorn and love both excessively little or to an extreme, you will have fizzled. Be that as it may, in the event that you locate your middle of the road and get things done at the perfect time with the correct individuals you will have succeeded. I accept that life should be troublesome else you wont have the option to appreciate the great and discover genuine bliss. Words/Pages : 1,201/24

Marketing and Strategy Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advertising and Strategy Assignment - Essay Example Organizations are burning through billions towards innovative work so as to make advancements in their product offerings. Firms like Apple are creating their center capability in the market dependent on advancements and innovative work (Ireland, Hitt, and Hoskisson, 2011, p.82). The expanded rivalry in the market has likewise prompted advertisers spending immense sums towards improving their situating and brand picture trying to make a qualification between the items and administrations offered by the rivals in the market (Davis, 2009, p.148). The current investigation would break down the showcasing procedures embraced by different associations trying to make isolation and create upper hand in the market. The examination would explicitly center after showcasing techniques with genuine models in the business to help produce upper hand for business associations. Examination The job of advertisers in the current business is basically to investigate the requirements and needs of the cli ents and structure item blend in a way that will in general fulfill the unfulfilled needs of purchasers. Advertisers are burning through billions on leading showcasing research so as to examine the requests of the customers and plan an ideal item blend that can be utilized to create upper hand in the market. Advertising examination can support advertisers and tacticians in deciding the holes in the current degree of item or administration offering and the requests of the purchasers. These holes can be thus help in creating an item blend that would help improve the situating of the association. Statistical surveying can likewise assist organizations with finding the impression of their brands among the individuals from the objective market crowd. Specialists would then be able to take up arrangements that can help in improving their picture through the criticisms accumulated from the exploration (Duboff and Spaeth, 2000, p.106-108). One such model can be found on account of South Cen tral Bell Company that was consistently losing its piece of the overall industry. Utilizing market knowledge instruments and directing statistical surveying, the organization had the option to ready to recognize the purpose for the calamity and take up remedial estimates that helped it to again recapture its lost situation in the market (Hair, Bush and Ortinau, 2007, p.116). Valuing is another basic key perspective that can be utilized to produce showcase advantage in business. Organizations are attempting to produce hierarchical greatness by utilizing mechanical advancements like Total Quality Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma to guarantee negligible operational expenses. Instances of this structure can be followed in the business systems of organizations like Toyota that has produced upper hand dependent on Just in Time approach (Imai, 1997, pp.4-6). Savage valuing is one system that is generally utilized by advertisers to pick up piece of the overall industry and dispose of conten ders. This technique includes selling items at most minimal rates that causes them catch a huge portion of the market (Greene, American Bar Association and Section of Antitrust Law, 1996, p.55-56). Anyway studies have additionally hammered the advantages of utilizing this procedure as they accept that savage estimating methodology prompts uncalled for serious

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Study Guide

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Study Guide The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was composed by Mark Twain and distributed in 1876. It is presently distributed by Bantam Books of New York. Setting The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is set in the anecdotal town of St. Petersburg, Missouri on the Mississippi. The books occasions happen preceding the Civil War and before the annulment of subjection. Characters Tom Sawyer: the hero of the novel. Tom is a sentimental, inventive kid who goes about as a characteristic head to his counterparts in the town.Huckleberry Finn: one of Toms companions, yet a kid who lives on the edges of white collar class society.Injun Joe: the antagonist of the novel. Joe is a half Native American, a boozer, and murderer.Becky Thatcher: a schoolmate of Toms who is new to St. Petersburg. Tom builds up a smash on Becky and eventually spares her from the threats of McDougalls cave.Aunt Polly: Toms gatekeeper. Plot The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the tale of a little youngsters development. Tom is the unquestionable pioneer of his posse of young men, driving them on a progression of adventures drawn from the narratives he has perused of privateers and hoodlums. The tale moves from the jokes of Toms unstoppable feeling of enjoyable to a progressively perilous sort of experience when he and Huck witness a homicide. At last, Tom must set aside his dreamland and make the best decision to shield an honest man from bearing the blame of a wrongdoing submitted by Injun Joe. Tom proceeds with his change into an increasingly capable youngster when he and Huck turn away the further viciousness undermined by Injun Joe. Inquiries to Ponder Look at the advancement of character through the novel. What does Toms code intend to him, and what else may it represent?How is Huck Finn unique in relation to different young men and how does that add to the novel?Could the characters of the novel be depicted as stock? Why or why not?How does Tom change from awful to great in the book? Look at the contention among society and the characters. In what ways do the characters strange notions add to the activity of the story?How do the town customs (Sunday school, Saturday errands, and so on.) offer ascent to the conflict?How are societys desires in struggle with Toms universe of fanciful games and adventures?How does Mark Twain use parody to call attention to the flaws of society? Conceivable First Sentences Tom Sawyer, as a character, speaks to the opportunity and guiltlessness of boyhood.The troubles introduced by society can go about as an impetus to maturity.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an ironical novel.Mark Twain is the quintessential American narrator.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Lithium as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on January 23, 2020 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 12, 2020 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights GARO / Getty Images Lithium is prescribed as a mood stabilizer for people who have bipolar disorder. It acts to help control the mania, hypomania, depression, and psychosis associated with the condition.?? Lithium is a naturally occurring element that was found, in the late 1800s, to have mood-stabilizing properties. The first paper on using lithium to treat what was then called manic depression was published in 1949. The FDA approved lithium in 1970. Even now, the specific way lithium helps people with bipolar disorder is complex and not fully understood. When Is Lithium Prescribed? This drug is formally approved to treat manic episodes of bipolar disorder when symptoms such as grandiosity, racing thoughts, hypersexuality, delusions, hallucinations, and decreased need for sleep appear. However, it has also been shown to help with depressive symptoms, psychotic features, and mixed episodes. Some research has shown that lithium can also be useful in treating unipolar depression (depression without the mania seen in bipolar disorder) when added to one or more other depression medications, so doctors sometimes prescribe it for this, too.?? When Should Lithium Not Be Prescribed? Lithium can damage your kidneys, especially with long-term use.?? All patients should be screened for kidney problems before starting lithium and should be screened regularly while taking it as well. If significant kidney problems show up in the initial testing, lithium should be prescribed only with great care and close monitoring. If kidney problems develop later, your doctor may consider discontinuing lithium, since it may be possible to reverse the damage once you stop taking the medication. There are several medical conditions and circumstances that also require particular caution when lithium is prescribed: Diuretic useACE inhibitor useSignificant heart or vascular diseaseSevere dehydration; sodium and electrolyte abnormalities Early studies indicate lithium may also be safe and effective for treatment of bipolar symptoms in children and adolescents.?? Warnings About Lithium There are several important warnings for people taking lithium. These include: Blood levels of lithium must be monitored regularly. This medication can be toxic if the level of the element in your blood gets too high. Symptoms of an overdose include diarrhea, vomiting, tremor, mild problems walking, drowsiness, or muscular weakness.?? Report any of these symptoms to a doctor immediately.Taking lithium for bipolar disorder may cause a condition called lithium nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI).?? This is a rare disease in which your kidneys fail to recirculate water, leading to excessive urination. If you notice that you are very thirsty and are urinating too often, call your doctor immediately to report your symptoms.If you will be put under an anesthetic â€" say, for a surgery â€" make sure the doctors know you are taking lithium.Lithium is known to cause congenital disabilities,?? and the risk is increased if another mood stabilizer (such as carbamazepine) is taken with it. If you are of childbearing age, are pregnant, or become pregnant while taking lithiu m, discuss this with your doctor. Lithium is excreted in breast milk, so women are advised not to breastfeed infants while taking this medication. Precautions Make sure you maintain normal fluid and salt intake when taking lithium. Dehydration or low levels of sodium in the blood may be dangerous.Prolonged sweating, diarrhea, or a high fever can cause your tolerance to lithium to decrease and may require medical treatment. Check with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.Lithium can cause hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism.?? Your doctor should check your blood calcium levels periodically, as these are connected to the workings of the parathyroid gland, as well as for underactive thyroid. Drugs to Avoid When Taking Lithium There is a long list of medications that may interact negatively with lithium or increase the risk of side effects. Some drugs that are commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder fall into this category. They include: Calcium channel blockers (the interaction may be serious)Clozapine (Clozaril)Cymbalta (duloxetine)Celexa (citalopram)Lexapro (escitalopram)Luvox (fluvoxamine)Paxil (paroxetine)Prozac (fluoxetine) (requires close monitoring by your doctor)Risperdal (risperidone)Tegretol (carbamazepine) (the interaction may be serious)Zoloft (sertraline)Zyprexa (olanzapine) People who are taking lithium should also avoid taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen) on a regular basis, diuretics such as HCTZ (used in hypertension) and furosemide (in heart failure), and ACE inhibitors (blood pressure).?? Also, tetracyclines can increase blood levels, while using large amounts of caffeine may actually decrease blood levels.   Lithium Side Effects The most common side effects of lithium, which may go away after initial use, are:?? Increased frequency of urination or loss of bladder controlIncreased thirstMild nauseaSlight trembling of hands Weight gain over time is also common.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Planet Earth Support - 550 Words

How many people can the planet Earth Support? (Essay Sample) Content: How many people can the planet Earth Support?Name of AuthorInstitutional Affiliation How many people can the planet Earth Support?Over the last century, human population has progressively increased. In the 1950s, the world had an overall population of about 2.5 billion people. Today, the numbers are approximately seven billion. It is important to note that this population is highly dependent on resources, some of which are non-renewable. It is also worth noting that even currently, this population is constantly increasing. It is this competition between the ever rising numbers of individuals against the resources meant to sustain them that raises the question as to whether the planet earth can successfully support its future population.In an assessment carried out by Cohen (2010), he reviews the earths possible carrying capacity. Environmentally, this is defined as the indefinite amount of ecological load that can successfully and indefinitely be supported by an ecosy stem. In this, sustainable and renewable resources as well as the strain brought on them by consumption are considered. Again, the regeneration capacity of each ecosystem is assessed in relation to endowments and renewability of existing structures. In summary, the process of trying to predict if the planet could survive the future with its current or increased population dwells on existing resources which include renewable and non-renewable, the rate at which they are consumed, and the rate at which the renewable ones are being replenished.Yet other analyses use different parameters in predicting population growth. While a number of countries have independent policies on birth control, others like China have set a one child birth policy to curb population growth. If the overall world population would drastically reduce as a result governments policies, then it would be easy to predict that a controlled birthrate would successfully have human populations remain sustainable on the pl anet for eternity. It is then notable that the number of people the earth can successfully sustain is not solely dependent on the parameters used by various organizations to predict this number. On the other hand, Cohen (2010) indicates that a number of uncertainties operate that make all predictions imperfect.Regeneration capacity of various populations remains one of the most important factors to consider. UNEP (2005) argues that if we had populations able to create their own food, and other utilities by use of technology, and without threatening the environment, then such populations would remain sustainable to eternity. However, this projection also fails to focus on the fact that some regeneration processes are highly dependent on natural resources. Good examples of such include food from agriculture and industrial energy production. To a point, the land used for agriculture reaches a limit beyond which regeneration is not possible. Other elements wor...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The American Criminal Justice System - 3283 Words

Since the policy was enacted in the early 1990s, three strikes laws have been one of the most controversial issues facing the American criminal justice system. In general, advocates believe that locking up criminals will protect society. Critics believe that three-strike policy can only be effective with offenders that are on their last strikes (Worrall, 2008). However, other critics explain how three-strike laws don’t significantly reduce crime because most criminals mature out of the criminal lifestyle (Worrall, 2004). There are two cases that pushed and guided the three strikes policy that received national attention. First, was Kimber Reynolds, who was murdered in cold blood in 1992 during a purse snatching where the man pulled out his .357 Magnum and shot her in the ear (Walter Downs, 1994). This horrendous crime helped her father, Mike Reynolds, become one of the lead advocates for California’s Three Strikes Law in 1993. Reynolds wanted to target repeat offenders that have two prior violent offenses that have committed a third offense which would put them behind bars for life. State legislators were concerned about the law and many thought of rejecting the law because they believed the sentencing for the policy could be costly (Walter Downs, 1994). The second case that really made a difference was the 1993 kidnapping of Polly Klaas from her home during a sleep over with friends. Richard Allen Davis broke in and tied her friends up then kidnapped and murdered her.Show MoreRelatedThe Amer ican Criminal Justice System1398 Words   |  6 PagesThe American Criminal Justice system is arguably one of the most fair systems in the world. However, like anything it has its flaws. There are many flaws but the largest three, in my opinion, would be the fact that we have the highest incarceration rate of any other country, the high penalties for drug users, as well as the jury system. The high incarceration rates and the penalties for drug users affect each other but they are still issues on their own. In fact, many of issues within our system coincideRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System873 Words   |  4 PagesThe American criminal justice system has set up laws and by breaking the laws would be considered a crime, and depending on the crime that is broken have different types of degrees. And these crimes can be broken into three different categorize and whether or not it will be classified as a felony, misdemeanor or an infraction. A victimless crime is a crime th at goes against societies values, norm but the people involved with these criminal acts do not feel victimized, compared to if they were beingRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System1866 Words   |  8 Pagesthe American criminal justice system for more than two centuries. In its mandate to regulate government power to judge people accused of transgressing against the laws of the society, the mechanism of the jury allows the citizens themselves to determine the guilt or innocence of the person. Though juries have generally served a vital function in the criminal justice system, the reputation of the jury system has come under fire over the past several years. Commentators charge that the system insulatesRead MoreAmerican Criminal Justice System Change990 Words   |  4 Pagesconcept of American criminal justice system change? At first, I didn’t know anything about American Criminal Justice System. The definition of criminal justice system I looked up on the internet was that it is a system that is established to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law in order to maintain social order. But is it the full definition of criminal justice system in America? Are there any aspects that can be added to this definition? American criminal justice system seemsRead MoreRacism And The American Criminal Justice System1584 Words   |  7 PagesToday, African Americans and other minorities are over-represented in the criminal justice system, but under-represented politically in the United States of America. Since well before its inception in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation characterized by white supremacy. In fact, modern day America may not exist if not for the taking of land from the Indigenous Peoples on this very premise. Today, many Americans believe they live in a post-racial nation, citing the abolition ofRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System Essay1688 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many ways the criminal justice system plays a huge role in the discrimination against all people of color. Mostly, there are a wide range of studies within the African American communities that expresses concern, prejudice, and even racial profiling in the criminal justice s ystem pertaining to blacks. Judges, jurors, police officers, and even marriages are key roles of the societal disadvantages African Americans have. African Americans are even being arrested more than any other race inRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1542 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction African American males are overrepresented in the criminal justice and many times are subject to harsher sentences than their Caucasian counterparts. African American males also experience racial profiling and have more negative interactions than any other population in the United States. Ibie, Obie, and Obiyan states, â€Å"African Americans have continued to be the repository for American crime and to be treated as amalgamation of presumed group trait rather than as individuals†. ThisRead MoreThe Bias Of The American Criminal Justice System Essay1855 Words   |  8 PagesThe bias in the American criminal justice system is first reported in the first stages of the system, which includes the (act of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) and arrest of the suspected people by police personnel (American Civil Liberties Union, 2013). These police personnel discriminately target the minorities as criminal suspects, which eventually skews the racial popu lation of the people arrested, charged, put in jail or convicted (Cole, Smith, DeJong, 2013)Read MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1500 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout American history, the African-American population has been in the minority, and has been persecuted for hundreds of years. What Taylor-Thompson is stating is that African-Americans usually hold the minority in court decisions as well, which poses a problem due to the majority overriding their vote. Due to the racial tensions, the judicial system ultimately changed in order to include more minorities in juries, however it was lopsided during the Simpson trial. During the tumultuous 1990sRead MoreThe American Court System And Criminal Justice System1750 Words   |  7 PagesThe System Each year, approximately ten-thousand people are convicted of crimes that they did not commit (Spring). Ten-thousand people that will never see their kids grow up, ten-thousand people that will miss out on life, ten-thousand people whose lives will never be the same. Men and women are on death row for decades, only to be exonerated after their execution. Where is the justice in that? Prisons are also overcrowded and according to political scientist David Hudson, America holds five percent

Monday, May 18, 2020

Postive Effects of Medieval Social Classes Essay - 752 Words

The development of social classes in medieval England affected life for the people in many positive ways. It served as a means of organization to base their daily lives off of, and also gave the peasants and trade classes protection from the rulers and the clergy class in return for their labor and allegiance (â€Å"Quizlet†). Life in the Middle Ages was based on the framework of social classes so they could flourish socially and economically. The British class structure was a configuration of five main classes. The King owned all the land and distributed portions of it to his nobles. He was part of the ruling class, along with the Pope and the rest of the royalty (Pattie). The Pope was the religious ruler and had power over the church and†¦show more content†¦Monks were the scholars of this time period, and they spent the majority of their time praising God and attending prayer meetings and church. The last group of people in the clergy class was the nuns. They we ren’t as intellectual as the monks, so their jobs involved catering to the people by nursing the sick to health in the infirmary, educating young children, and caring for orphans (People of the Middle Ages†). The next group of people was in the middle class. They were the citizens of the town, and they acquired high amounts of money so that their families could live comfortable lives. The mothers in these households were not obligated to work because the man of the house could financially support the whole family (â€Å"Middle Class†). Sometimes they had servants to help the women with household chores and duties like cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children. This class also included shipmen, cooks, and high-class merchants (Schwartz). Below the middle class was the trade class, which included merchants and craftsmen. Men involved with retail would travel great distances to achieve authority and power over certain trade routes (â€Å"Middle Ages: The Medie val Social Classes†). The trade class hugely impacted the towns and the people because their income and trading skills helped to stabilize the economy. Peasants and the middle class often disagreed with the work of the merchants because the priests and the bishops were highly against it. They believed

Monday, May 11, 2020

The, Made By Robots Challenging Architecture At A Larger...

Alexandra Morales ARC 5205 Advanced Theory Professor Neil Leach Pages: 16-45 Gramazio + Kohler, Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale The book questions whether the new digital technologies can impact and change the architectural and material practice of today, Gramazio Kohler explored the potentials of robot- induced design and how robots can help enrich the physical nature of architecture, to inform the material processes and to merge the computational design with the construction realization. The employment of robotics in architecture is creating an entirely new aesthetic and functionality that could alter and challenge the architectural design at a larger scale. By using the cost-efficient fabrication machines that are both reliable and flexible such as the articulated arm robots or the industrial robots that are known for their versatility and their ability to perform an unlimited variety of non-repetitive tasks that can help expand the range of the architectural design and the production. The initial introduction of the robotic systems to the building construction was not a success, the book explains how the robots used in the building construction before were exclusively used to optimize the productivity without taking into account the design process and not adding any real lasting architectural value, this changed with time and now the architectural design and its production process has to inform the approach to the robotic fabrication and notShow MoreRelatedMade By Robots : Challenging Architecture At A Larger Scale Essay1978 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction With the rapid change in construction and manufacturing processes today, the architectural design may reflect these new innovative changes. The book, Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale, presents a shift between the old, traditional manufacturing processes to the new role that robotics is beginning to adapt in the infrastructure process, closing the gap between design and fabrication. Efficiency, costs, and the concept of a design process involving communicationRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And Its Impact On Architecture1109 Words   |  5 PagesArmand Gorrell 10.13.16 Theories II- N. Leach Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale The section I read covered the history of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the building process from the 18th century to the 19th century. Beginning in the 18th century and throughout the 19th century, new machinery, and industrially fabricated materials began to appear on construction sites. Entering the 20th century there was a real attempt to adopt the industrial manufacturing processesRead MoreReview Of Robots : Challenging Architecture At A Larger Scale Essay2267 Words   |  10 PagesNeil Leach MEISSEL HERRERA MADE BY ROBOTS: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale. 10/06/2016 21/144 ODICO FORM WORKS ROBOTICS uses robots to create more complex and exact formworks out of polystyrene in a quicker manner and greater scale as well as more efficiently and less costly, enabling architectural vision to expand and grow. A. â€Å"...set out to develop a manufacturing concept capable of providing low-cost production of advanced framework at industrial volume scale.† ( 66.1) B. â€Å"...providesRead MoreSample Letter For The Fabrication Shop Team At The College Of Architecture9949 Words   |  40 PagesPerbellini and Prof. Dustin White for their support during the development of this thesis. Without their collaboration and guidance this thesis would not have been possible. 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Since then, the technology has come a long way and has been used in the creation ofRead MoreA Thesis On Computer Science Engineering9162 Words   |  37 Pagescreative input and constructive challenges inspired me a lot. I have learnt to lead a systematic and disciplined life from sir, which has helped to build my personality to the fullest. His brilliant guidance inspired me to face every difficult and challenging aspects pertaining to my studies. His dedication towards our work is inexplicable. His readiness for consultation at all times, his educative comments and assistance even with practical things have been invaluable. If I continue to write instancesRead MoreEssay on Use of Nanotechnology in Medecine2565 Words   |  11 Pagesstructures and properties at the nanoscale in medicine is like having a sub-microscopic lab bench on which you can handle cell components, viruses or pieces of DNA, using a range of tiny tools, robots and tubes.† (Paddock) There is one type of microscope in the world that has the ability to see things at the nano scale. That microscope is a scanning tunneling microscope. It has the ability to zoom in on an object by 1,000,000 times as the average high school and college microscope only reaches 100(NanoRead MoreEssay on The Applicat ions of Artificial Intelligence5047 Words   |  21 Pagesconstitutes an ``AI question--and how to evaluate progress. Much early AI research focused on tasks commonly thought to require high intelligence in people, such as playing high-quality chess. Skeptics viewed this as an impossible assignment, but AI made rapid progress. By the 1960s, programs were capable of tournament play. In 1997, in a landmark match, the chess system Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov, the worlds human chess champion for the previous twelve years. At the same time, however, AIRead More4g Communication22481 Words   |  90 Pagesin regions where it was difficult to build a connection by wire line. †¢ 1G was based on analogy technique and deployed in the 1980s. It built the basic structure of mobile communications and solved many fundamental problems, e.g. cellular architecture adopting, multiplexing frequency band, roaming across domain, non-interrupted communication in mobile circumstances, etc. Speech chat was the only service of 1G. †¢ 2G was based on digital signal processing techniques and regarded as a revolutionRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesConcepts 191 Batch Processing versus Online Processing 191 Functional Information Systems Vertical Integration of Systems Distributed Systems 192 Client/Server Systems Virtualization 192 192 193 194 Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services 194 Transaction Processing Systems Payroll System 196 196 Order Entry System 196 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 198 An Example ERP System: SAP ERP 199 Data Warehousing 201 Customer Relationship

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pathos Ethos Declaration of Independence - 741 Words

Purpose of the Declaration of Independence: This was a document that was written to explain why we should break away from Great Britain and become independent from their laws. It explains that all men (and now women too) are created equal and were born with rights that cannot be taken away†¦life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To ensure that these rights remain, the people create a government and laws that will protect these rights. When the government starts to act in such a way that these rights are threatened†¦then the people have the right to change the government or remove it and replace it with a new one. It then continues to list the reasons why they want to sever ties with Great Britain and list the ways they feel they have†¦show more content†¦As a reader, I found this sentence very powerful, and I’m sure when it was written, it was even more so, seeing as the writers/readers were the ones experiencing the suffering. Another place that Jefferson appealed to pathos was in the last sente nce. He says, â€Å"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.† By showing how much everyone is willing to sacrifice (lives, fortunes, and honor), it illustrates the amount of heart and passion that went into this document. Logos of the document: Logic/reason The entire first paragraph is telling the readers why this declaration of independence needs to made in the first place. He states that there is a time when a society needs to break away from its past leader (Britain) and rely on the powers of God and the earth to create a new community. He is using logic to help his readers understand the meaning of this document. He continues to use logos in explaining why this declaration is important as he explains that it will â€Å"secure these rights,† which pertain to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Another time, logos is us ed in the declaration is when Jefferson is addressing all the wrongs the King of Britain did, and he lists them. He presents his evidence veryShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s `` Why The Slave Is The Fourth Of July ``1007 Words   |  5 Pagesorder to build and establish an argument. In his speech, his intention is to make slavery completely abolished . Frederick Douglass believes that America’s independence celebration on the fourth of July is not right when not all American’s truly have that right because of slavery. Through his use of three rhetorical devices, ethos, pathos, and logos, he gradually persuades the audience into believing that black people are deserving of the same rights as white men do. Douglass begins the speechRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis800 Words   |  4 Pagesof our Declaration of Independence, had the same mentality as him in seeking for freedom. Jefferson decided to write this document as a way of declaring the independence of the United States from Britain. In the document, he states all the harm that Britain has done to the colonists: socially, mentally, and economically. Jefferson just like the colonist wanted peace in their lives, and freedom from the tyranny of King George III. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson uses ethos, pathosRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Benjamin Banneker821 Words   |  4 PagesJefferson, framer of the Declaration of Independence and secretary of state to President George Washington, arguing against slavery. Banneker constructs an argument in his letter to persuade Jefferson of the cruelty and inhumanity that slavery entails. Motivated by the desire to convince Jefferson to abo lish slavery, Banneker appeals to pathos by comparing slavery to the American Revolution, appeals to logos by referencing the Declaration of Independence, and establishes ethos by making a biblical allusionRead MoreRehetoric in Maritn Luther King Jr. ´s Speech744 Words   |  3 Pagesthroughout the nation as his passionate and commanding voice resounded over the fields that lay before the Lincoln Memorial. Many consider this speech the â€Å"epitome of modern Rhetoric.† In his speech, King utilizes the three disciplines of Rhetoric, ethos, pathos, and logos, with finesse and skill. As King stood before the massive crowd of Americans, he urged the citizens of the United States to turn their hatred of colored people into a hatred of the true evil: racism. King continually states that theRead MoreEssay on The Success of the Declaration of Indepedence656 Words   |  3 Pages On July 4th every year, Americans all across the world celebrate Independence Day, the day the United States declared their independence from Great Britain. The mechanism they used on July 4, 1776 was â€Å"The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States† written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration Of Independence was a success by using various types of support, ethos (ethic), pathos (emotion) and logos (logic). The first paragraph lays the logic (logos) behind people separating from theirRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Slavery In The Declaration Of Independence708 Words   |  3 Pages In his letter he mentioned how freedom was a blessing from heaven, cited a part from the Declaration of Independence, and even made a reference to someone in the Bible. He used many rhetorical strategies to help argue that slavery should be outlawed, for example ethos, religious appeals, and pathos. Mr. Banneker in the second paragraph established ethos by citing a part of the Declaration of Independence. He cited the part about â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are createdRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence By Elizabeth Cady Stanton937 Words   |  4 Pagessuffering from female discrimination, Women s Rights activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, wrote the declaration of Sentiments to declare independence for women from men. Stanton articulates how all men and women are created equal, in her declaration she outlines the injustices towards women by men in eighteen charges against the male dominant society. By modeling the declaration after Jefferson s Declaration of Independents she creates a patriotic tone in order to pursued all women and men, particularlyRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence By Thomas Jefferson884 Words   |  4 Pageswell-known Declaration of Independence, conveys his message through belletristic devices. He employs imagery, language, diction, and syntax in an organized and straightforward manner, which gets the audience intrigued. Jefferson’s tone is formal and adamant and his purpose is to convince the colonist that loyalty to Britain is futile, and that help from other nations is needed. Jefferson, in The Declaration of Independence furthers his purpose by adequately employing ethos, logos, and pathos. LogosRead MoreEssay What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July704 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July† is a very moving piece about what the Fourth of July means to slaves. The speech was given by Fredrick Douglas in Rochester, New York, on July 5, 1852. His use of ethos, pathos and logos made this an extremely effective speech. The speech â€Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July† opens with Frederick Douglas explaining how he was asked to give a speech on the Fourth of July. He then gives a brief statement about how hard his journey has been and now heRead MoreEssay on Declaration of Independence Evaluation700 Words   |  3 Pagespresident, Jefferson was selected to draft the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson had visions of a nation independent of the British hold that was grasping our country at that time. With beautiful, flowing words and true foresight into the future, Jefferson used the appeal of Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Thomas Jefferson vision for this country was well represented in the writing as he wrote it before the fifty-six other signatures declared America’s independence. Our third president, born in 1743, was

Bayesian Equalizer Free Essays

Introduction The work undertaken in this thesis chiefly discusses the two types of fuzzy system based channel equalisers in nomadic communicating system in GSM environment. The fuzzed execution and RBF execution of Bayesian equaliser based on MAP standard has been presented. The capableness of fuzzed equalisers in a GSM environment for a Rayleigh faded additive channels and nonlinear channels have been analyzed. We will write a custom essay sample on Bayesian Equalizer or any similar topic only for you Order Now A Type-2 fuzzy logic based equaliser proposed by Mendel [ 29 ] has been compared with proposed equaliser for GSM applications. This chapter summarizes the work reported in this thesis, stipulating the restrictions of the survey and provides some arrows to future development. Following this debut subdivision 5.2 lists the accomplishments from the work undertaken. Section 5.3 provides the restrictions and subdivision 5.4 nowadayss few arrows towards the hereafter work. Accomplishments of the thesis The work presented in this thesis can be classified for two parts. The first portion presents the step of the public presentation of two types of fuzzy system based equalisers for GSM application in additive attenuation channels and the other portion is dedicated for nonlinear channels. Major points of the thesis, foregrounding the parts at each phase, are presented below. Chapter 3 of this thesis presents fuzzed execution of Bayesian equaliser [ 28 ] . It has seen that the Bayesian equaliser uses the estimations of noise free received vectors called channel provinces to explicate the determination map. It can be expeditiously implemented utilizing the estimations of noise free received scalars called scalar channel provinces which cut down calculations well over conventional Bayesian equaliser. It can be implemented utilizing RBF with scalar channel provinces. Subsequently, fuzzed execution of Bayesian equaliser has been derived and this fuzzed equaliser gives suboptimal consequence with farther cut downing the computational complexness. The fuzzy implemented Bayesian equaliser uses Gaussian rank maps, merchandise illation in the signifier of IF†¦ THN regulations and COG defuzzifier. This equaliser has been termed as fuzzy implemented RBF or merely RBF in the thesis. This RBF equalizer shown optimum public presentation in signifier of BER in GSM environment. The usage of fuzzy system in implementing the Bayesian equaliser provides flexibleness in the design of Bayesian equalisers with using different illation regulations and defuzzification procedure [ 12 ] . But in this thesis the fuzzy equaliser has been discussed and proposed with holding minimal illation regulation and COG defuzzifier. The parametric execution of Bayesian equalisers utilizing fuzzed systems make the equaliser traceable in GSM application supplying the consequence near to the optimal with decreased computational complexness. The Type-2 FAF has been described and evaluated under GSM environment for channel equalisation intents. This has been used to compare public presentation of proposed equaliser. Type-2 FAF utilizes the mean of the channel province bunchs formed by the attenuation of channel to explicate two rank maps ( Upper and Lower ) to make up one’s mind its determination map. Type-2 FAF though provides consequence near optimum utilizing bi g preparation informations but could non execute good for GSM application. Major part from this chapter is summarized here. The public presentation rating of two types of fuzzy equalisers has been done under GSM environment with the comparing to the RBF execution of Bayesian equaliser and other additive equalisers trained with RLS and LMS algorithm with different channels and equalizer orders. These equalisers are evaluated for additive channels with Rayleigh attenuation. Chapter 4 of this thesis discusses the public presentation of fuzzed equalisers along with the additive equalisers under GSM environment for the nonlinear channels with Rayeligh melting. A block diagram of digital communicating system with nonlinearities has been discussed where different types of nonlinearities were considered. In this chapter how the channel coefficients were altering with attenuation has been shown. The channel states with debut of some nonlinearities have been shown and the motion of channel provinces along with certain dimensions with attenuation was described with simulation. The k-mean bunch method of preparation for nonlinear channels has been described as it is hard to gauge the channel with presence of nonlinearities. Major part signifier this chapter is summarized in a brief. The Type-1 fuzzy adaptative equaliser performs near to the RBF equaliser which is optimum equalisers [ 43 ] and better than the Type-2 FAF proposed by Mendel for GSM application. Type-1 FAF can be trained in 26 preparation informations which Type-2 could non. The additive equalisers trained with RLS and LMS algorithms does non demo acceptable public presentation with such little preparation informations and melting environment with the channels affected by nonlinearities. Restrictions of the work This subdivision presents some of the restrictions of the work reported in this thesis. In this thesis the fuzzed execution of Bayesian equaliser has been validated for GSM application. This equalisers are related to ( ) where N is the size of the symbol alphabet or configuration. This big complexness bounds this signifier of equalisers to communicating systems where channel scattering is comparatively little, of order of. The work undertaken in this thesis merely considered 2-level PAM transition where to increase the transmittal speed the efficient transition strategies like 4-level PAM, QPSK are needed. It can be extended to other efficient transition strategies in line with RBF execution of Bayesian equalisers [ 49 ] . Other issues like next channel intervention ( ACI ) , co-channel intervention ( CCI ) , Rayleigh melting with different holds, clocking recovery in the receiving system were non considered. Scope for the farther research By reasoning this thesis, the followers are some arrows for farther plants can be undertaken. The suggested country in which research can be undertaken follows from the restriction of the work presented in this chapter. As determination feedback equalisers are simple and needs less preparation informations, a determination feedback equaliser could supply alternate equalisation scheme for GSM environment. Different efficient cryptography and transition strategies could be considered in the simulation. How to cite Bayesian Equalizer, Essay examples

Solving Business Problems Through The Creative Power of The Arts

Question: Identify and evaluate Unilevers organisational structure prior to 1996. Why did Unilever change from this structure in 1996? Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the new organisational structure that Unilever has adopted (from 2004), in achieving their corporate strategy. Describe the internal and external forces that could have created the need for Unilever to change its organisational structure.) Organisational change is one of the most persistent, pervasive, and powerful challenges that managers face today (Hitt et al, 2008). Using suitable change theories, describe how managers at Unilever could implement the change identified in the case study. Answer: Solution 1 Unilever is a multinational company set up by Margarine Uni (Dutch) and Lever Brothers (British) in the year 1930. Hence, it came to be known as Unilever. Every organization has a different management structure which is best suited and works efficiently by giving good results. Unilever was also doing well and had a decentralized structure. It is a type of structure where the power and authority is transferred from the central unit to the local enterprises (Weingardt, 1971). In the case of Unilever, they too had diversified the power and authority to the subsidiary units. The subsidiary units of different countries were accountable for their own market. In Europe, Unilever had 17 subsidiary units in different countries. They were independently responsible for the production, sales, distribution through their own supply chains and marketing of the product (Williamson and Wilson, 1970). The products were also customized as per the need and requirements of the local market. The subsidiary units had the independence to match the products as per the demand of that particular area. The managers were also locally recruited to understand the need and demand of customers. This type of the decentralized structure worked till 1996, when the company finally analyzed the desperate need to change the structure (Weingardt, 1971). There were several reasons behind this decision taken by the organization. Some of them are: High cost involved This type of structure was costing heavily to the organizations. Increasing competition There were more competitors in the market and the company could not tackle the competition on a global scale with its subsidiaries being independent entities Decentralized units of manufacture This kind of manufacturing divisions further increased the cost and it was difficult to sustain with them. Hence, the company decided to have a centralized manufacturing division for particular products. This would save the cost of setting of manufacturing plants for each subsidiary unit (Brinkmann, 1985). Global expansion Up till now, the company had 17 subsidiaries in Europen countries and wanted to further expand their business in other continents. This kind of structure would have further caused confusion and lack of vision (Rath, 1982). Falling prices of shares in the market The company was also worried about the falling prices of shares. This was creating a negative image for the company. Ease in decision making Since there was no single head and each entity were independent, it was difficult to take any decisions. Facilitate coordination The company also wanted to have an improved coordination among its subsidiaries. Each one was acting as a single unit and hence coordination and support were lacking. Loss of brand recognition There were too many products launched in the market as per requirements for every individual market. Hence, there was loss of identity. These were some of the reasons that forced Unilever to change its organizational structure. Solution 2 Despite of the organizational restructuring, Unilever was still to achieve the desired results. The competitors were still having an upper hand and Unilever was not able to stand with them (Mullins, L.J. 2010),. Hence, it decided to go through another restructuring. Though it is not an easy decision for any organization, but Unilever was bound to do so (Mizera, 2012). Some of the major changes that happened during this restructuring were: Cut down the brands The company decided to shrink its number of brands so that it can focus and concentrate on limited products. Initially, Unilever was selling around 1600 brands which were downsized to just 400. These downsized products were marketed strategically on a global scale. Reduction in manufacturing units After reducing the number of brands the company also downsized the number of manufacturing units. They were reduced from about 380 plants to just 280 plants. Product division The entire Unilevers product offerings were divided in just two major divisions. They were: Food Home and personal care This helped the organization in proper coordination and management. Now, the food division was only responsible for their range of brands and vice versa. They had to focus on every aspect like product development, product manufacture and product marketing of their brands. There was a proper division of work and hence better focus. For example Unilever Bestfoods which is located in Europe with headquarter in Rotterdam, was only taking care of food division, however, its home and personal care division located in Europe was only concerned about its own product range (Unilever: Rotterdam becomes centre for marketing and innovation, 2013). Firing of employees on a huge scale Due to reduction in number of products and manufacturing units there was an obvious reduction in the number of employees. Around 20,000 employees were terminated reducing the liability of the company. Changes in marketing structure Unilever also implemented changes in its marketing structure. Now there were marketing managers for each division. These marketing managers were supposed to supervise the brand managers. These brand managers were responsible for individual brands and were answerable to the marketing managers. This type of marketing structure helped in focusing on each and every brand. All these initiatives taken by Unilever helped in focusing it on brand recognition for many products and helped them retain their brand value. Also the bifurcation of products under two divisions helped in strategic planning and implementation. Reduction in manufacturing units and hence employees resulted in saving a lot of cost to the company. The change in marketing structure in the organization helped the company to focus on each and every product. Solution 3 There were several factors that left no option for Unilever but to change its organizational structure. There were several internal as well as external factors. The internal factors were within the organization, however external factors were from outside the organization. Internal Factors Designation of authority There was no adequate designation of authority. The subsidiary units were independent decision makers. They had their own planning and structure according to which they acted. The central binding force was lacking and hence that led to the inadequate division of power. Increasing costs The high rising costs were another threat to the organization. Having separate manufacturing units for every subsidiary had a huge cost involved with it. Lack of common vision Due to subsidiary units being independent, there was a lack of common vision and focus. Facilitate coordination The lack of coordination among subsidiary units was also a major reason for the organizational change. External Factors Growing Competition The increasing number of competitors was becoming a threat to the company. The competitors were gradually increasing their market shares. This competition was not only for branded products, but also non branded products had increased significantly in the market. Global expansion The company was planning a global expansion. Till now the company was only confined to European countries with its 17 subsidiaries. With the existing organizational structure, it was not possible to expand globally. There was a lack of common objective and vision in this type of decentralized structure. Lack of brand recognition Due to customization of products at all units there was no brand identity. This was causing the lack of brand recognition and hence creating a problem for the company. Too many brands There were too many brands for a single product range. Hence it was getting difficult to implement the marketing and advertising strategies. Later on, these brands were reduced from 1600 to 400. Solution 4 There are several challenges for managers at the time of the organizational changes. These challenges can be on various fronts. It is very crucial for managers to handle these changes in an efficient manner because change is not easily accepted by human mentality. Human beings do not accept change easily and hence it is difficult to prepare them for it. It becomes even tougher if the change happens in an organization and there comes the challenge to the manager. There are three theories of change that managers can implement in organizations. They are: The Kurt Lewin Change Management model This theory works in three stages. These three stages are freeze, change and refreeze. The first stage freeze is about getting ready for the change. All the necessary changes to be done are evaluated. Then comes the second stage the change. At this stage, the actual change happens. Then is the last stage, which is refreeze (Burnes, 2004). This stage is also known as unfreeze. In this stage, employees adjust to the changes that have taken place. This theory could have also been applied at Unilever. The employees should have been given adequate and apt lessons on motivation before the change. This would have prepared the employees for the change in the freeze stage. In the second stage the organizational change takes place. Communication and motivation are important part of this phase. After that, comes the refreeze stage. The managers had to efficiently handle this stage, since it is human tendency to repel to change. Kotter's 8 step change model Kotters change model is an eight step process. They are: Create urgency In the first step of this model, a well planned need has to be generated for the change. In case of Unilever, employees had to be made aware of the urgency of change (Pollack and Pollack, 2014). Forming a strong alliance In this step, employees are convinced about the change. At Unilever also, managers could have persuaded the employees and finally would have convinced for change. Create a vision for change It is important to evaluate all the options available after the change. At Unilever also, it was managers duty to foresee the options available. Announce the vision The vision should be efficiently conveyed to the employees. Managers at Unilever should have also effectively communicated the vision to the employees. Removing Obstacles All the hurdles that come in the way of change should have been removed. At Unilever as well the managers were supposed to remove these barriers. Creating quick wins Nothing motivates employees more than success. An early win at Unilever also would have had a lasting impact. Build on the change The wins and loss should be properly evaluated at this stage. Similarly, it was the role of managers to evaluate them. Incorporate the changes In the last stage it is the time to finally implement the changes. At Unilever also, managers could have now effectively implement the changes. The Kubler Ross change curve This theory bifurcates the change in five stages. They are: Denial In this stage, there is a non acceptance of the change. At Unilever it would have been a difficult phase for a manager to handle so much reluctance. Anger At this stage, the employees show their frustration in the form of anger. Considering the situation at Unilever, it was a crucial role of manager to handle this anger. Bargaining After the employees feel that nothing will work out they move to bargaining mode. The managers at Unilever needed to handle this situation tactfully. Depression The employees go to depression phase as they are still not sure about the change. The management at Unilever needed to give motivation sessions to pull the employees out of this situation. Acceptance At this stage, finally the employee accepts the change as there is no substitute. Managers at Unilever, play a vital role by regularly motivating them and keep them going (Carpenter, Kbler-Ross and Kubler-Ross, 1979). These are the three change theories that could have been implemented at Unilever at the time of organizational change. References Boyle, M. and Ottensmeyer, E. (2005). Solving business problems through the creative power of the arts: catalyzing change at Unilever. Journal of Business Strategy, 26(5), pp.14-21. Brinkmann, P. (1985). Towards decentralization. Energy Policy, 13(3), pp.204-214. Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re-appraisal. J Management Studies, 41(6), pp.977-1002. Carpenter, J., Kbler-Ross, E. and Kubler-Ross, E. (1979). Accepting Death: A Critique of Kbler-Ross. The Hastings Center Report, 9(5), p.42. Church, R. and Clark, C. (2003). Purposive Strategy or Serendipity? Development and Diversification in Three Consumer Product Companies, 1918-39: J. J. Colman, Reckitt Sons, and Lever Bros./Unilever. Business History, 45(1), pp.23-59. Dales, J. and Wilson, C. (1957). The History of Unilever: A Study in Economic Growth and Social Change. I. II. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 23(4), p.580. Fundamentals of Management. (2013). Robbins Decenzo and Coulter, 8th edition(Pearson Education). Mizera, S. (2012). Sustainability at Unilever: An interview with Lesley Thorne, Global Sustainability Manager. J Brand Manag, 20(3), pp.191-195. Mullins, L.J. (2010). (2010). Management and Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition(Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow-UK.). Pollack, J. and Pollack, R. (2014). Using Kotters Eight Stage Process to Manage an Organisational Change Program: Presentation and Practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28(1), pp.51-66. Ramanna, V. (n.d.). Hindustan Unilever Ltd. SSRN Electronic Journal. Rath, A. (1982). Local and Global Operations of Multinational Corporations: Unilever in India. Social Scientist, 10(10), p.30. Robbins Decenzo and Coulter. (2013). Fundamental of Management, (8th Edition). Unilever 2001: Employees. (2002). Focus on Surfactants, 2002(7), p.5. Unilever 2004 review. (2005). Focus on Surfactants, 2005(5), p.7. Unilever: Rotterdam becomes a centre for marketing and innovation. (2013). Focus on Surfactants, 2013(2), p.7. Weingardt , C. (1971). Organization Structure and Communication in the Unilever Company. International Studies of Management Organization, 1(4), pp. 377-393. Williamson, H. and Wilson, C. (1970). The History of Unilever: A Study in Economic Growth and Social Change. Southern Economic Journal, 36(3), p.342.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Much Ado About Nothing Key Scenes Essay Example

Much Ado About Nothing Key Scenes Paper Potential passages for my exam * Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 1-70 (opening of the play) * Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 1-60 (Beatrice views on love) * Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 160-257 (Love Benedick and Beatrice) * Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 6-27 and 181-200 (Benedicks speeches on love) * Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 37-end (Gulling of Beatrice) * Act 3 Scene 3 Lines 1-77 (Dogberry+Comedy) * Act 3 Scene 4 Lines 29- end (Beatrice in love) * Act 3 Scene 5 (Dogberry) * Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 1-104 (Shaming of Hero), Lines 105-247 (Plan by Friar Francis) and rest of the scene (Beatrice and Benedick) * Act 5 Scene 1 lines 108-173 Act 5 Scene 1 lines 269-292 * Act 5 Scene 2 Lines 32-end Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 1-70 (opening of the play) What happens during the passage? A messenger brings a letter informing Governor Leonato that Don Pedro and his victorious army will shortly arrive in Messina. The Messenger reports that young Count Claudio has performed great deeds of bravery in the war. Beatrice questions the messenger about Benedick , sarcastically calling him Signor Mountanto. Forced with a barrage of mocking comments about a fellow soldier, the Messenger politely attempts to defend Benedick’s reputation. As Beatrice continues to speak mockingly of Benedick to the Messenger, the prince Don Pedro, and his followers arrive. Quotes from the Passage: â€Å"He hath borne himself beyond the promise if his age, doing in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion. † *Means: Claudio did better than you’d expect for someone his age. Looks like a lam but behaved like a lion. â€Å"Signor Mountanto† *Means : Mr cut and thurst (a fencing move) â€Å"As pleasant as he ever was† â€Å"Stuffed with all honorable vitrues† He will hang upon him like a disease†- he is sooner caught than the pestilence† –Benedick will cling to Claudio like a disease, easier to catch then the plague. What happens after this passage? Leonato eloquently welcomes his royal quest and Beatrice begins her taunting with Benedick . Their â€Å"merry war† is renewed and Leonato invites Don Pedro and his followers to stay as quests at his house. Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 1-60 (B eatrice views on love) What happens before this passage? Beatrice describes her ideal man, remarking how poorly Don John and Benedick match up to her requirements. We will write a custom essay sample on Much Ado About Nothing Key Scenes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Much Ado About Nothing Key Scenes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Much Ado About Nothing Key Scenes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Leonato warns her that such talk will not get her a husband, but Beatrice says she is happy to stay single. Beatrice mockingly advises Hero on when and when not to obey her father in the matter of marriage. She then gives her own views of courtship, weddings and the regrets of life after a hasty marriage. Quotes from this passage: â€Å"He is of a very melancholy disposition† *Means: about Don John, always miserable â€Å"The one is too like a image and says nothing and the other is too like my lady’s eldest son, evermore tattling† *Means: Beatrice comparing Don John and Benedick By my troth, neice, thou wilt never get thee a husband, if thou be so shrewd if thy tongue† *Means: Leonato said that if Beatrice doesn’t stop making such cutting comments she wont get a husband. â€Å"Lord, I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face. † â€Å"He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man and he tha t is more than a youth is not for me and he that is less than a man, I am not for him† *Means: Noone is right for Beatrice â€Å"Not till God make men of some other metal than earth† *Means: Never basically. What happens after this passage? Don Pedro, his friends enter wearing masks. The room fills with people and the masked dancing begins. As they dance each woman uses the opportunity to mock her masked partner. Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 6-27 and 181-200 (Benedicks speeches on love) What happens prior to the passage? Borachio’s plan is that he and Margaret will appear on the night before the wedding at Hero’s bedroom window. They will call one another Hero and Claudio, so deceiving the watching Don Pedro and Claudio. What happens on the page of passage? Bendick muses on men like Claudio who say they will not fall in love and then do so. He lists the many virtues he would require in a future wife. When the prince, Claudio and Leonato approach Benedick Hides. Quotes from the speech: 8-12 â€Å"I do much wonder, that one man seeing how much another man is a fool, when he dedicates his behaviors to love, will after he hath laughed at such shallow follies in others, become the argument of his own scorn, by falling in love: and such a man is Claudio† *Means: â€Å"I think it’s amazing how a man- who has seen how foolish another man makes himself when he gets obsessed about love- will become the exact thing he once criticized and fall in love himself- and that’s the kind of man Claudio is. 13-15 â€Å"I have known when there was no much with him but the drum and the fife and now he had rather hear the talor and the pipe† *Means: â€Å"I remember when he only had ears for military music now its all namby pamby ceremonial music. â€Å" 15-21 â€Å"He was wont to speak plain and to the purpose like an honest man a soldier; and now is he turned orthograph y- his words are a very fantastical banquet just so many strange dishes. May I be so converted and see with these eyes? I cannot tell- I think not- I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster; but I’ll take my oath on it, till he have made an oyster of me, he shall never make me such a fool† *Means: â€Å"He used to speak plainly and clearly like an honest man and solider- now he talks in a flowerly style. Could I be transformed and end up like him? I don’t know- I don’t think so – I couldn’t swear to it- but love could turn me into an oyster but I will make an oath that until love does turn me into an oyster he wont make such a fool out of me. 22-23 â€Å"Till all graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in my grace† *Means: â€Å"Until one woman combines all good qualities, not one woman will come into my good looks† What happens after this speech and before the next one? Don Pedro, Claudio and Leonato pretend not to notice the hidden Benedick. They prepare to listen to Balthasar’s singing. Benedick is not impresse d by the romantic music. Balthasar is sent by Don Pedro to prepare the music that will be used to serenade Hero at her Chamber window the next night. Don Pedro and the others begin the deception of Benedick, they talk about how Beatrice is madly in love with Benedick, but is too frightened to tell him of her secret passion. They talk about Beatrice’s many fine qualities and express their fear that Benedick will mock her if he learns of her great love for him. The three leave hoping they have completed their deception of Benedick. Don Pedro orders a similar trick to be played on Beatrice by Hero and her maid Ursula. What happens on the page of the passage? Benedick is convinced that Beatrice loves him and resolves to return her affection. When she reluctantly appears to call him to dinner, he looks for some signs of love in her and amazingly finds one. Quotes from the speech: 181 â€Å"This can be no trick the conference was sadly borne† *Means: â€Å"They aren’t kidding, the conversation was too serious. † 183-185 â€Å"Why, it must be requited, I hear how I am censured. They say I will bear myself proudly, if I perceive the love come from her. † *Means: â€Å"She must have my love in return. I heard their criticisms. They say ill be all proud if I see that she loves me. † 92-194 â€Å"I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me, because I have railed for so long against marriage, but doth not the appetite alter. † *Means: â€Å"People will tease me and make jokes about me because I have criticized marriage for so long, but don’t tastes change? † 195-196 â€Å"Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from t he career of his humour† *Means: â€Å"Should gags ands wisecracks be allowed to scare a man away from what he really wants to do? † What happens after this passage? Hero begins her plan to trick Beatrice. Margaret is sent to tell Beatrice that Hero and Ursula are in the orchard talking about her. Beatrice steals in to eavesdrop on their conversation. Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 37-end (Gulling of Beatrice) What happens before and on the page of this passage? Scene before Claudio Leonato and Don Pedro tricked Benedick. Hero begins her plan to trick Beatrice. Margaret is sent to tell Beatrice that Hero and Ursula are in the orchard talking about her. Beatrice steals in to eavesdrop on their conversation. Beatrice thinking of herself unobserved listens in on Hero and Ursula’s conversation. They talk of Benedick’s ‘love’ for Beatrice and Hero expresses concern about Beatrice’s proud and scornful nature. Quotes from this passage: 40 â€Å"They did entreat me to acquaint her of it† -HERO *Means: â€Å"they begged me to tell her about it† 53-57 â€Å"Her wit values itself so highly that to her all matter else seems weak† She cannot love nor take no shape nor project of affection she is so self-endeared† -HERO *Means: â€Å"She is so arrogant about her own brains that she thinks everyone else is stupid. She can’t love, or give or receive affection, because she is so full of herself. † 0-70 â€Å" I never yet saw man, how wise, how noble, young, how rarely featured, but she would spell him backward. If fair-faced, she would swear the gentleman should be her sister; if black, why nature, drawing of an antic, made a foul blot; if tall, a lance ill headed; if low, an agate very vilely cut; if speaking, why, a vane blown with all winds; if silent, why, a block moved with none. So turns she every man the wrong side out and never gives to truth and virtue that which simpleness and merit purchaseth. † -HERO *Means: â€Å" I’ve never yet seen a man, not matter how wise, noble young or handsome, who Beatrice hasn’t found fault with. If he’s fair-skinned, she’ll swear the man should be her sister; if he’s tall, he’s an ugly-headed spear; if he’s short, a badly cut gemstone; if he’s talkative shell say he’s like a weather vane, blown by all the winds, and if he’s quiet she’ll say he’s a block. She turns every man inside out and never gives credit where credit’s due. 84-86 â€Å"I’ll devise some honest slanders, to stain my cousin with, one doth not know how much an ill work may empoison liking. † -HERO *Means: â€Å"I’ll think up some lies to make him think worse of Beatrice. You never know how much a word of criticism can change someone’s feelings. † 13-end â€Å"If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee to bind our loves up in a holy band; For others say thou dost deserve, and I believe it better than reportingly† –BEATRICE *Means: â€Å"If you love me, ill be nice to you and we c an get married- for others say you are worthy and I think they are right. † What happens after this passage? Don Pedro plans to return to Arragon as soon as Claudio and Hero are married. The prince, Claudio and Leonato feign amazement at Benedick’s lovelorn appearance and behavior. Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 1-104 (Shaming of Hero), Lines 105-247 (Plan by Friar Francis) and rest of the scene (Beatrice and Benedick) What happens before this Scene? Margaret Chatters teasingly to Beatrice about love and Benedick. Ursula returns with the news that the men have arrived to take Hero to the Church. Leonato is busy with the last minute preparations for the wedding. Dogberry and Verges come to inform him of the arrest of Borachio and Conrade, but their ramblings exasperate the impatient Leonato. He cannot wait for Dogberry to get to the point and he instructs Dogberry to conduct the trail, not realizing the significance for himself and his daughter of the crime that has been uncovered. What happens in this passage? The guests assemble for the wedding of Hero and Claudio. As Friar Francis begins the marriage ceremony, Claudio refuses to accept Hero as his bride and hands her back to Leonato. Claudio declares that he will not marry Hero. Leonato assumes that Hero has lost her virginity to Claudio, but Claudio denies this. Don Pedro denounces Hero as a common prostitute. Claudio questions Hero about the man he saw at her window. Hero denies there was any man. Don Pedro and his brother confirm the truth of Claudio’s accusation. Hero faints, and Don John, Don Pedro and Claudio exit. Quotes from this passage: 26-37 â€Å" There, Leonato, take her back again: Give not this rotten orange to your friend- She’s but the sign and semblance of her honour. Behold how like a maid she blushes here! O, What authority and show of truth Can cunning sin cover itself withal! Comes not that blood as modest evidence to witness simple virtue? Would you not swear, all you that see her, that she were a maid, by these exterior shows? But she is none: she knows the heat of a luxurious bed, her blush is guiltiness, not modesty† -CLAUDIO *Means: â€Å" She only has the appearance of honour. Look, she’s blushing like a virgin! Cunning sin disguises itself so convincingly. Isn’t blushing supposed to be proof of chaste innocence? Wouldn’t all you who see her here swear that she’s a virgin, judging by her appearance? She certainly isn’t though- she’s felt the heat of a sinful bed, her blush is sign of guilt not chastity. † 43-48 â€Å"I know what you would say. If I have known her, you will say she did embrace me as a husband, and so extenuate the forehead sin, No Leonato. I never tempted her with word too large, but as a brother to this sister, showed bashful sincerity and comely love. -CLAUDIO *Means: â€Å"I know what your are going to say. If I have slept with her, you’ll say she only did it because I was going to be her husband, so it’s not really a sin. No, Leonato. I never tempted her to go too far, but treated her with sweetness and gentle love like a brother with his sister. † 50-55 â€Å"Out on thee, seeming! I will write against it. You seem to me as Dian in her orb, As chaste as is the bud ere to be blown; but you are more interperate in your blood than venus, or those pampered animals that rage in savage sensuality. † -CLAUDIO *Means: â€Å"Get lost, fake! Here is my argument. You act al sweet and innocent but you are really a right tart. † 58-60 â€Å"What should I speak? I stand dishonoured, that you have gone about to link my dear friend to a common stale. † –DON PEDRO *Means: â€Å"What should I say? I’ve been dishonoured by trying to put my friend together with a common slut. † 71-72 â€Å"Oh God defend me, how am I beset! What kind of catechising call you this? † –HERO 74-75 â€Å"Is it not Hero? Who can blot that name with any just reproach? *Means: â€Å"Everyone’s turned on me! Why are you interrogating me like this? Who can harm my reputation with any truthful accusation? 90-93 â€Å"There is not chastity enough in language without offence to utter them? Thus, pretty lady, I am sorry for thy much misgovernement† –DON JOHN *Means: â€Å"There isn’t pure enough language to describe it without causing offence. I’m sorry, pretty lady, that you have behaved so badly. † 98-101 â€Å"For thee I’ll lock up all the gates of love, and on my eyelids shall conjecture hang, to turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, and never shall it more be gracious. † *Means: â€Å"Because of you, I’ll close my heart and make myself suspicious of everything I see. † What happens after this passage and in the next one? Beatrice fears Hero is dead. Leonato wishes her dead and regrets he ever had a daughter. Benedick asks Beatrice if she had kept Hero company that night. When Beatrice says no, Leonato is immediately convinced of his daughters guilt and wishes her dead. Friar Francis believes Hero is innocent. Hero is prepared to suffer torture and death if proven guilty. Benedick begins to suspect his friends have been deceived. Leonato swears revenge if this is true. Friar Francis advises them to pretend that Hero has died. Friar Francis outlines what he hopes will be the healing effect on Claudio when he hears of Hero’s ‘death. ’ If his plan fails, Hero will have to enter a nunnery. Benedick advises Leonato to accept Friar Francis’s advice and promises secrecy. Quotes from this passage: 106-109 â€Å"O fate! Take not away thy heavy hand. Death is the fairest cover for her shame that may be wished away. † –LEONATO *Means: â€Å"Don’t take away this heavy blow fate! Death is the best way to hide her shame that we can hope for. † 114-122 â€Å" Could she here deny the story that is printed in her blood? Do not live, Hero, do not ope thine eyes, For did I think thou wouldst not quickly die, thought I thy spirts were stronger than thy shames myself would, on the rearward of reproaches strike at thy life. Grieved I, I had but one? Child I for that frugal nature’s frame? O, one too much by thee! †-Leonato *Means: â€Å"Can she deny the story that her blushes have already proved? Don’t live, Hero, don’t open your eyes, for if I thought you were not about to die, If I thought you will to live was stronger than your sense of shame, I would kill you myself, not caring what other people thought. Was I upset that I had only one child? Did I compain at nature for not being more generous? Oh, you are one child to many! † 157-163 â€Å"Call me a fool; trust not my reading nor my observations, which with experimental seal doth warrant the tenor of my book; trust not my age, my reverence, calling, nor divinity, if this sweet lady lie not guiltless here under some biting error† *Means: The Friar thinks Hero is innocent, and is willing to stake his reputation on it. 170-177 â€Å"They know that do accuse me; I know none. If I know more of any man alive than that which maiden modesty doth warrant, Let all my sins lack mercy! O my father, prove you that any man with me conversed at hours unmeet, or that I yesternight maintained the change of words with any creature, refuse me, hate me, torture me to death! † -HERO *Means: â€Å"If I know more of any man alive than a modest virgin should, than let me be damned! Prove that any man spoke with me at an unsuitable hour or that I exchanged words with anybody at all than you can disown me and kill me. † 95-201 â€Å" Your daughter here the princes left for dead, let her awhile be secretly kept in, and publish that she is dead indeed; maintain a mourning ostentation and on your family’s old monument hang mournful epitaphs and do all rites that appertain unto a burial. † –FRIAR *Means: Trick them into believing Hero is dead. 119-120 â€Å"And every lovely organ of her life shall come appareled in more precious habit. † à ¢â‚¬â€œ FRIAR *Means: â€Å"and everything that was lovely about her life will seem even more precious. † 224-224 â€Å"Then shall he mourn, if ever love had interest in his liver. *Means: â€Å"Then, if he has ever had true feelings of love, he will mourn. † 230-235 â€Å"But if all aim but this be leveled false, the supposition of the lady’s death, will quench the wonder of her infamy. And if it sort not well, you may conceal her, as best befits her wounded reputation, in some reclusive and religious life.. † *Means: But even if the whole plan comes to nothing, at least her supposed death will distract people from the scandal. If the plan doesn’t work you can hide her in a convent. † 242-243 â€Å"Being that I flow in grief, the smallest twine may lead me. *Means: â€Å"I’m so upset ill do whatever I am told. † What happens after this passage and in the next one? Alone with Beatrice, he asks how he can help to prove Heroâ₠¬â„¢s innocence and tells Beatrice that he loves her. Beatrice reluctantly admits that she loves Benedick. He swears he will do anything to prove his love for her, but refuses her order to Kill Claudio. Beatrice wishes she were a man so she could take revenge herself. Beatrice despairs of finding a man brave enough to take up her cause. Benedick is convinced by her belief that Hero has been wronged and determines to challenge Claudio. Quotes from this passage: 59 â€Å"I do love nothing in the world so well as you, is not that strange† –Benedick 260 â€Å"As strange as the thing I know not: it were as possible for me to say, I loved nothing so well as you.. † –Beatrice 291-295 â€Å"Is a’not approved in the height a villain, that hath slandered, scorned, dishonoured my kinswoman? O that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they come to take hands, and then, with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour.. † -Beatrice *M eans: â€Å"Hasn’t he been proved to be a total villain, who has lied about and dishonoured my relative, Hero? Oh I wish I was a man! I mean, he led her on right until the last minute and then told awful lies about her. † 313-316 â€Å"Enough, I am engaged, I will challenge him, I will kiss your hand, and so I leave you: by this hand, Claudio shall render me a dear account : as you hear of me, so think of me : go comfort your cousin, I must say she is dead and so farewell. † *Means: Claudio will pay for what he has done and Benedick shows his loyalties now lie with Beatrice. What happens after this passage? Act 4 Scene 2 begins and Dogberry, Verges and the Sexton take evidence from Borachio and Conrade. Dogberry commences his blundering cross- examination. Sexton instructs Dogberry to summon the Watch, who confirm that they overhead Borachio confess his crime. The Sexton reveals that Hero has since died and Don John secretly fled. Act 5 Scene 1 lines 108-173 (Benedick challenges Claudio) What happens before this passage? Antonio attempts to console his brother, but the loss of his daughter’s reputation continues to hit Leonato hard. Only a man who has suffered as he has is entitled to offer him counsel. As Leonato’s mind turns to thoughts of revenge, the sight of Claudio and Don Pedro hurrying past, apparently unconcerned about the grief they have caused quickly arouses anger. Despite his age, Leonato challenges Claudio to single combat, but Claudio refuses to fight a duel with the old man. Then Antonio challenges Claudio so fiercely that even Leonato is surprised. What happens during the passage? Don Pedro maintains his belief that Claudio was correct in his accusation of Hero. As the two old men depart, still rumbling angrily, a grimly determined Benedick arrives on the scene. Don Pedro and Claudio welcome Benedick’s arrival as much needed light relief. The deadly serious Benedick, unmoved by their mockery, challenges Claudio for causing the death of Hero. Benedick resigns from Don Pedro’s service. He informs the prince that Don John has fled and accuses his former friends of bringing about the death of Hero. Don John’s men are brought in under guard. Quotes from this passage: 112 â€Å"We had like to have had our two noses snapped of with two old men without teeth. † –Claudio 137-140 â€Å"You are a villain. I jest not; I will make it good how you dare. Do me right, or I will protest your cowardice. You have killed a sweet lady and her death shall fall heavy on you. Let me hear from you. †-Benedick *Means: I’m not joking, I’ll fight you over this however you like, with whatever weapons you dare to use and whatever time you dare to fight. You’ll meet my challenge or I’ll call you are coward. You have killed a sweet lady and you will pay for it† 166-170 â€Å"Fare you well, boy, you know my mind, I will leave you now to your gossip-like humor: you break jests as bragg arts do their blades, which God be thanked hurt not :my lord for your many courtesies I thank you: I must discontinue your company.. † *Means: â€Å"So long, boy, you know what I think. I’ll leave you to your gossiply jokes. You make jokes like bragging fools who break their swordblade-neither of them hurts a bit, thank God. My Lord I thank you for your kind treatment. I can have nothing more to do with you. Act 5 Scene 1 lines 269-292 (Borachio/Dogberry) What happens after the passage and before the next one? (Act 5 Scene 1 lines 269-292) As Dogberry begins his repetitive ad garbled account of the trail, Don Pedro questions Borachio, who immediately and shamefacedly confesses the whole plot to disgrace Hero. Leonato returns. Claudio and the prince, full of remose, beg to be able to make amends. Leonato orders Claudio to mourn Hero’s death that night at her tomb and later marry his niece. What happens in the passage? Borachio assures Leonato of Margarets’s innocence in the whole affair. Dogberry leaves, still very much concerned that it should be recorded in writing that he has been called an ass. Quotes from the passage: Act 5 Scene 2 Lines 32-end (Love between Beatrice and Benedick ) What happens after this passage and before the next one? (Act 5 Scene 2 Lines 32-end ) Benedick seeks Margaret’s Help in arranging a meeting with Beatrice. As he awaits Beatrice’s arrival, he attempts a love song and laments his inability to express his love in rhyme. What happens in the passage? Benedick tells Beatrice that he has challenged Claudio and then asks her how she first fell in love with him. She in turn asks Benedick how he first fell in love with her. As Benedick and Beatrice talk, Ursula comes rushing in with news that Don John’s plot has been discovered and Hero’s good name is restored. All three leave in haste for Leonato’s house. Quotes from this passage: 57-60 â€Å"An old, an old instance, Beatrice, that live in the time of good neighbours. If a man do not erect in this age his own tom ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps. † –Benedick *Means: â€Å"That’s an example from the old days Beatrice, when people were kinder to eachother. Nowadays if a man doesn’t build his own tomb before he dies hell be forgotten as soon as his funeral is over. † 73-75 â€Å"Yonders old coil at home. It is proved my Lady Hero hath been falsely accused, the prince and Claudio mightily abused, and Don John is the author of all, who is fled and gone. Will you come presently? † -URSULA *Means: Theres a right old hoo ha going on in the house. It’s been proved that it was all lies about Hero, that Don Perdro and Claudio have fallen for a dirty trick done by Don John and he has done a runner. Come in now! † What happens after this passage? In a sombre ceremony, Claudio fulfills the first part of his promise. A tribute to Hero is read out, a solemn hym is sung and a vow made to commemorate the anniversary of her death. As dawn breaks, Don Pedro and Claudio leave to dress suitably for the marriage. Scene 4 opens with Leonato sending the women to mask themselves in readiness for the ceremony. The wedding scene concludes the play.